The black romantics are the noble version of the goths and can be understood as their further development. With the increasing networking through the internet at the beginning of the new millennium, the exchange of experiences among each other also increased. In the first black romantic internet forums, goths met to help and support each other in making more splendid robes. The "Natron & Soda" forum, which was still young at the time, quickly recorded an increase in the number of visitors. Thus, garments - some of them historically accurate - were sewn and made, which then inspired a desire to show off.
The black romantics thus appeared on the scene or on the dance floor of the black scene. In keeping with the partly historical clothing from the Victorian era, they engaged in poetry, literature and philosophy and built their own black romantic retreat out of it. The term "black romantic" became loud and reflects not only the passion for making clothes, but also the longing for a decelerated and romanticised parallel reality that black romantics celebrate.
The community grew quickly and soon they held their own meetings, for example during the Wave-Gotik-Treffen in Leipzig. Today, the biggest gathering for Black Romantics is the "Victorian Picnic" in Leipzig, which is held as part of this festival and attracts many onlookers and photographers.
Typical clothing
The black romantic brings clothing to the fore. Wide flowing dresses, crinolines and corsages made of velvet, brocade, lace, chiffon and silk dominate the style of dress, which for men is shown in noble suits and two-piece suits. The classic role models are clearer among the black romantics than among the goths. Clothes and bodies are decorated with historical-looking jewellery, for example brooches, chokers, mill collars, fans and lace gloves. The gentlemen come with top hats and decorated walking sticks. Whereas in the early days pikes were worn as typical footwear, now it is shoe models of the Victorian age - recreated as faithfully as possible.
Typical make-up
The white-painted faces have been retained by the black romantics from gothic times. However, much more care is taken in the elaboration of the ornaments and decorations of the make-up. Black romantics often wear accentuating contact lenses and stick jewellery stones on their faces. Overall, the make-up of the "Victorian" goth also has a gloomy effect, so that the visual reference to the original scene has not been completely lost.
Typical hairstyles
The hairstyles of the Black Romantics correspond to those in the Victorian era. Elaborate updos, large heavy curls and also detailed hairpieces defined the outfit. Some Black Romantics, however, have stuck to shaved-out sides and tousled hair, especially when historically accurate representation is not important to them. Horns, headpieces and hats are also part of black romantic styling.
Male Black Romantics like to wear their hair long - open or tied in a braid, as seen in modern romantic vampire films. Others follow the historical model, cut their hair short and even wear beards, which is rarely the case in the Gothic scene.
Typical music
The music of the Black Romantics is very melodic and carrying. The first bands to be heard were Goethes Erben, Das Ich or Sopor Aeternus. Later, electronic influences were also used in classical music, such as those offered by Qntal or Helium Vola. "Wedeln" is the joking name for the dance in which the Victorian ladies swing their hoop skirts and bring them closer to the floor by bending their knees, which sometimes seems like dancing buoys in a turbulent sea.