The dead live longer. The cybergoth - also called knicklichtgrufti - appeared in the black scene about 20 years ago. Obviously, people liked the music styles that were hip in the scene at the time. Maybe it was ravers who discovered gothic for themselves, or goths who liked techno. In any case, it became squeaky colourful, loud and quite annoying - from a gothic point of view: neon-coloured hairpieces and puffs on the legs, welding goggles and gas masks to highly strenuous body movements that meant a risk of injury if approached without care.
The cyber goth dismayed the scene on the dance floor by appearing in larger groups, some of which presented astonishingly synchronised movement sequences. One avoided the garish, loud, colourful, hectic candidates who wanted to push their way into the scene, but so did not fit in at all with the unwritten laws and behaviours of goths. About ten years after its emergence, it became quieter around cyber goth. Either they had outgrown the style, or the hostility from the goth scene, for whom the "fireflies" were a thorn in the flesh, had had an effect. Isolated cybers at events and festivals still exist and they are not welcomed with open arms even today.
Typical clothes
Colourful it must be. Maximum colourful! Cyber girls often wear skimpy skirts and fishnet tights that end in brightly coloured puffs at the ankles. Tops are belly-baring and covered with ripped tights. A mix of styles that carried elements of the rave scene into the black scene for the first time. Cyber boys captivated with way-too-big trousers with ribbons and metal rings that made staccato dance moves seem more dramatic.
Typical makeup
Since you can't see too much of the face due to gas masks, masks and huge hairpieces, the girls limit themselves to colour-harmonising eye shadow and broad strokes of kohl. The boys are much more lazy about make-up and usually don't use it. From time to time, however, you can see bright stripes on the face and colourful lipstick.
Typical hairstyle
The hair is the most important feature of the cyber. Huge tufts of American gift ribbon look like plastic perms and take up much of the appearance. These cxberlox shimmer in the gaudiest neon colours. Mostly they were used to build complete hairpieces and braids. Experienced cybers with a larger purse use dreadlocks in gaudy colours, which they have braided into their hair. So-called foamies also became a big hit. These are colourful strips of moss rubber that acted as an alternative to cyberlox, and looked like a portion of colourful noodles poured over the cybergoth's head.
Typical music
The cyber prefers fast, techno dance rhythms that are useful to his choreography. Bands from the Hellelectro and Aggrotech genres are particularly popular. Agonoize, Nachtmahr, Combichrist and Grendel fired up the audience and captivated with energetic stage shows. The music has survived the cyber glut, however, as corresponding labels never tire of bringing new bands to the market.