In earlier times, craft markets were held around castles and fortresses. Since goths are now closely associated with the medieval scene and love do-it-yourself culture, it stands to reason that markets also take place at festivals. You can think of them as particularly gloomy medieval markets. They homemade soap does not look like a flower and does not smell like lavender. Rather, it has the shape of a coffin and smells of patchouli.
The artisans of the scene bring their most beautiful pieces to festivals, selling clothes, jewellery, accessories and even furnishings. There are no limits to the imagination. The motifs on lamps, towels, homemade candles and sewn bags are of course based on the preferences of the black scene. You see a lot of bats, pentagrams, ankh crosses, French lilies, spider webs and graveyard motifs.
By the way, if you arrive at these markets with mass-produced goods, you will probably find yourself at an empty stall, because the gothic scene supports its artisans and jewellery designers who, with a lot of attention to detail, make small one-off pieces that perfectly match the individual attitude to life. Anyone who has a "dark" idea and implements it properly is guaranteed to find buyers in the subculture. Homemade merchandise for long-forgotten post-punk bands is also very much in demand. And for all those who wonder whether you will also be confronted with "silver talers" and "medieval slang" at the Gothic scene markets: No, you won't!