"Urlaub in der Bredouille" CD by Dritte Wahl

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Article description

Vacation in Distress' is the title of Dritte Wahl's 12th album, set to be released at the end of 2023. The punk rock institution from Rostock, Germany, celebrates its 35th anniversary not with a best-of retrospective, but with new songs and a glimpse into the future. Thematically, the quartet stays current and addresses many of the pressing issues of our time in their lyrics. Musically, the journey takes us through the realms of punk, metal, and indie. Ska-influenced beats meet hard guitars, high-speed meets up-tempo, and Dritte Wahl's new album is a clear signal that they are far from reaching the end of their path.


Item no. 565859
Responsible economic operator EU 375 Media GmbH
Schlachthofstraße 36a
21079 Hamburg
Musical Genre Punk Rock
Media - Format 1-3 CD
Product topic Bands
Band Dritte Wahl
Product type CD
Release date 1/5/24
Gender Unisex

CD 1

  • 1.
    Wir schießen die MilliardÀre ins All
  • 2.
  • 3.
    Urlaub in der Bredouille
  • 4.
  • 5.
    Keine Zeit für weiße Fahnen
  • 6.
    Das regelt der Markt
  • 7.
    Edwin Aldrin
  • 8.
    Steine im Weg
  • 9.
    Der Spion
  • 10.