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"Nimm 3" CD by Dritte Wahl

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Article description

Re-release of the 1996 classic by Dritte Wahl.

'Dritte Wahl' is a German punk rock band from Rostock, which was founded in the late 1980's. The band plays German punk with strong metal influences and the lyrics are very direct, political and leftist, so in GDR times they had been oppressed by the state. In 1996 Dritte Wahl released "Nimm drei" - their third album. It was produced in Braunschweig in the Whiteline Studio by Uwe Golz (also guitarist of Daily Terror) and Uwe Rust. For the Rostockers "Nimm drei" was a significant step towards professionalism. The sound of the punchy album stands out from the two earlier works "Fasching in Bonn" (1992) and "Auge um Auge" (1994). It is characterized by very groovy and guitar based songs. For this purpose there is a constant interchange of vocals by the two front men Marko "Busch'n" Busch (vocals, bass) and Gunnar SchrΓΆder (guitar, vocals).


Item no. 327088
Musical Genre Punk Rock
Exclusive No
Media - Format 1-3 CD
Edition Re-Release
Product topic Bands
Band Dritte Wahl
Product type CD
Release date 1/22/16